Intranasal Spray
What is an Intranasal spray?
Intranasal spray is a hand-held portable device that contains a liquid solution which is usually stored in a pump bottle with a metered valve. It delivers a measured amount of medication to the nose.
The use of a topical nasal corticosteroid spray is recognized as a first line treatment to control
persistent and seasonal symptoms of allergic rhinitis but require continuous long-term treatment in persistent disease especially with late onset symptoms such as nasal blockage.

Parts of Intranasal spray
How to use Intranasal spray
Before using
- Shake the bottle vigorously and remove the safety guard and dust cap.
- Hold the device with your forefinger and middle finger on either side of the nozzle and your thumb underneath the bottle.
- Before initial use or if the product has not been used for several days, test the spray. With the nozzle pointing away from you, press the nasal applicator several times
until a fine mist comes out.
Using the spray
- Gently blow your nose to clear out any mucus.
- Tilt your head slightly forward. Close one nostril. Keep the container upright and carefully insert the tip of the nozzle or the nasal applicator into the open nostril. Use the right hand for spraying the left nostril and the left hand for the right nostril.
- Press the white collar firmly enough to release the mist. Sniff just enough for the medication to stay in your nostril. Don’t snort or breathe heavily as themedication may be deposited on your throat. Avoid spraying into the eyes.
- Breathe out through your mouth. Avoid blowing your nose immediately after the spray.
- Repeat steps 5 to 7 in the other nostril.
- If a second spray is required, repeat steps 5 to 7 into both nostrils.
After using
- Wipe the nasal applicator with a clean tissue and replace the dust cap and safety guard.
- Rinse your mouth with water after you finish taking the medication. Do not swallow.